Thursday, January 1, 2009

A dozen wishes for 2009

From a friend -

1. Time for yourself
2. A soul that heals
3. A heart that forgives
4. All prayers answered
5. A good life & healthy body
6. A love that makes u smile
7. Promises that are not broken
8. Belief that anything's possible
9. A Holiday feeling all year round
10. Sunrise after the darkest of nights
11. Friends who bring out the best in you
12. Courage to finally do what you have been putting off


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This blog is simply a collection of the most heartwarming, inspirational stories we have come across, either via email or through the various forums on the Internet.

As much as they have inspired us, guided us, motivated us, and warmed our hearts, we hope that they will do the same for you.

If by chance, you have your own inspirational or motivational story to tell and would like to share it with us, simply email it to us at netinspirations AT gmail DOT com.


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