For Those Who Doubt
Author Unknown
This story is directed at those who choose not to believe in God and for those who experience any doubt of His presence and/or existence. I recently came across a true story about a woman in Fort Myers, Florida whose mother was dying. It is my hope that this story may touch you in the same way it touched my heart. The story, some of which is in the exact words of this woman is as follows:
I was fortunate to be able to sit at my mother's bedside and have lots of talks with her during her last weeks on earth. Most of her last month was spent in a hospital until we went to Hospice House. I knew Hospice helped people die but I didn't know they had a 16 room home in Fort Myers where people could come and die in peace. We had many conversations as she drew closer and closer to death and spoke many times about death and heaven.
In one such conversation about heaven I said, "Mom, well... could we have a secret, something just between us? I know it's going to sound crazy. But if you die and when you get to heaven, if it's more than you ever dreamed it would be, if you are all right and see God and Jesus, would you send me one red rose?"
This was a very special moment between me and my mother an eternal moment. She said, "Yes, I'll do that."
A week later I said, "Look mom about our secret, I'll be on earth and you'll be in heaven. How are you going to get a rose to me?"
She said to me without reservation "Honey, God can do anything!"
Shortly after that on September 16,1997 her mother died. As you can imagine this was not a wonderful time. So much to do with funeral arrangements that the woman forgot completely about the secret she and her mother had shared. Then at the funeral home, during the wake a strange thing happened. Let me share this in the woman's words.
All of the sudden in the back of the funeral home I caught a glimpse of an elderly gentleman with a cane. I didn't know him. I was sure that I had never seen or met him before. I turned and looked at him... as he knelt down at my mother's coffin and placed in her hands just one beautiful red rose. I walked over to him and inquired what made him bring the rose. He said, "oh honey, for some reason all day today I had a red rose on my mind, all day I have been thinking about it. I just knew I had to get one red rose for your mother."
Now if you're like me, you have tears streaming down your cheeks right now. Let me suggest to you that God is real and sometimes in His graciousness and love, He will, for just a moment pull back the curtain and allow us to see beyond our limited view of life and death. Right now if you believe this story and it has touched your heart, isn't it about time you got right with God and accepted His Son into your heart. Don't wait because if you do it may be too late. Accept Christ today as your Lord and Savior and become part of the eternal kingdom of God. After all heaven was more than this woman's mother.
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