The Wisdom of Einstein
Authority: To punish me for my contempt of authority, fate has made me an authority myself.
Experience: The only source of knowledge is experience.
Fame: With fame I become more and more stupid, which of course is a very common phenomenon.
Goals: One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can barely achieve through one's greatest efforts.
Happiness: A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future.
Imagination: Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.
Kissing: Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
Knowledge: The Search for the truth and Knowledge is one of the finest attributes of a man, though often it is most loudly voiced by those who strive for it the least.
Life: Life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value, to which all other values are subordinate.
Love: Love is a better teacher than duty.
Praise: The only way to escape the personal corruption of praise is to go on working.
Problems: Fear or stupidity has always been the basis of most human actions.
Relativity: An hour sitting with a pretty girl on a park bench passes like a minute, but a minute sitting on a hot stove seems like an hour.
Solitude: I lived in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.
Truth: It is difficult to say what truth is, but sometimes it is easy to recognize a falsehood.
Value: Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.
Wisdom: Wisdom is not a product of schooling, but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.
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