Monday, May 12, 2008

The Salesman

Once there was a salesman whose sales ranged between 80% to 95% of his budget. Disheartened by the results, he made an appointment with a marketing consultant, to determine what we was doing wrong.

He reached the consultant’s office at the appointed time. After entering the office he saw two doors, instead of a receptionist. One door was marked “SALES LESS THAN 100%” and the other door was marked “SALES MORE THAN 100%."

Since his average sale was less than 100%, he entered to the Ist door. After entering the room he found two more doors - one was marked “EARN INCENTIVES” and the other door was marked “NOT EARN INCENTIVES."

Since he did not earn incentive on a regular basis, he entered the second door. He again found two doors, one was marked “HAPPY WITH YOURSELF” and the other was marked “NOT HAPPY WITH YOURSELF”. Since he was not an achiever, he was not happy and so entered the second door. And surprisingly on entering it he found himself on the same street where he had entered.


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This blog is simply a collection of the most heartwarming, inspirational stories we have come across, either via email or through the various forums on the Internet.

As much as they have inspired us, guided us, motivated us, and warmed our hearts, we hope that they will do the same for you.

If by chance, you have your own inspirational or motivational story to tell and would like to share it with us, simply email it to us at netinspirations AT gmail DOT com.


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